Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 8, Reflective Blog

I have enjoyed Etec 524, but my most important discovery is that I am not a "digital native." While I have been able to complete all assignment relatively easily, I have discovered that I have a certain underlying anxiety regarding technology. The journal article presentations have been a piece of cake for me. The blog has been easy enough...for that matter, all the assignments have been relatively simple for me, but as the semester has gone on I have discovered that I tend to put the technology project off as long as possible. Not because it's difficult, or unclear how to complete, or time-consuming, but simply because I don't feel as comfortable in this area.

I think if nothing else, this class has forced me to take the plunge; to go where I've never gone before, so to speak. I have been required to learn new skills, complete new projects, and it has been good for me.

The thought of a podcast struck fear in my heart the first time I realized I would have to make one, but now I can see myself completing one for school. That's HUGE for me! So if for nothing else, I say "Thanks, Dr. W. for making me push myself a little!"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 7, Reflective Blog

Because I am an elementary librarian, everything we've done this semester has lead me to think how I can use that particular technology in the library. For my technology project this week, I developed a podcast demonstrating to students how to use to create a novel project illustrating their understanding of a particular novel. I created this project because it is actually something that I would like to do with my students. At the present time, we are very limited on what type of online activities our technology department will allow us to access, but with the support of my principal, I plan to discuss these types of activities with them in the very near future.

I don't think I view technology any differently now than I did at the beginning of this class, but I definitely feel more confident and encouraged to utilize them with my students. Whenever I think about technology, I remember the term "Digital Natives" from the journal article we read a few weeks ago, and it reminds me that as the campus librarian I can be a powerful advocate for providing access to educational technology for my students.